Thursday, May 27, 2010

too good to be true...?

There are only a few more days left of the month of May in the year of twenty-ten? Where did May go? Seriously. On May 1st I was in California… that seems like it was yesterday!!

Anyway, this has been a lovely month of May. The kind of lovely where I feel like it was too good to be true. One day something bad was bound to happen, because I can definitely have some bad days...

It consisted of…
hanging with friends.
enjoying the weather.
watching little ones a lot.
getting excited about being a part of a church that’s alive & doing things to increase the Kingdom.
talking to God a lot, pleading for wisdom & direction on this journey called life.
watching my brothers play baseball.
having dinner with my family.
listening to a lot of good new & old music.
staying up too late.
sleeping in past noon.
cozying with babies.
driving a lot.
writing in the last page of one of my most favorite journals to date, which actually kind of made me sad, because I liked that journal a lot & have some good stuff in there…
waking up every morning with this crazy feeling of happiness, excitement, & joy

Like the old Newsboys song says:
“You give me joy that’s unspeakable, and I
like it…”

{took the words right out of my mouth}

So I like it. I like this joy my Creator fills me with & I it makes me smile. But maybe it has all been too good to be true and there really is something God is preparing my heart for that is the BAD?

The other night I was reminded of the truth in the fact that where there is good, bad often follows. So immediately I started getting these thoughts in my head of all the possibilities of what could be around the corner that would be this bad...

Can you still have this unspeakable joy even if God throws an unpleasant situation into your life? I hope I can. I hope & pray that in my life whatever God brings my way good or bad, that I can still contain this unexplainable joy & smile at the day He’s given me, even if it brings pain or heartache...

…we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.{romans eight:twenty-eight}

Monday, May 3, 2010

f a v e ' s...

there are a lot of things in life that make me smile, but these are ten random favorites of mine..

1.) chocolate covered strawberries.
2.) being barefoot.
3.) café's.

4.) sleeping in.
5.) taking a bubble bath.
6.) day dreaming.
7.) swinging.
8.) diet coke.
9.) babies.
10.) eye contact.