Thursday, February 26, 2009

*here i stand r e s o l v e d.

i so badly want to sit down & write about this past weekend at the WSM retreat. (Resolved). but i only have time to give a quick version of all that went down. God is so good & moved in so many hearts from the youngest sixth grader to the oldest volunteer that came to help out!! in the past week or so God has even done so much in me, just taking my burnt out, stressed out heart, and then putting me on that retreat, and taking my bad attitude & changing it to a heart ready to serve & a heart softened to the word of God. it was so just so refreshing & just let me throw all these things that don't even matter aside & see how amazing my God is & how much He can move in the lives of almost 400 people in just the matter of a few days. :)

*My God, My God, thank YOU for such a wonderful weekend. Not that it was about us, but that it was about YOU. Thank YOU for stirring in the hearts of everyone who heard Jason speak or heard Eric & company lead worship, thank YOU for those times. Just be with everyone who was on that retreat that what they took away from camp, they will always remember & hold YOU close to them when they need courage to do something huge for YOU. Give them courage & a willingness to do what YOU are calling them to resolve in their lives. YOU are so good to us, YOU love us so much, YOU deserve everything & more.

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