Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I should definitely be finishing my homework right now, but I can't help but stop for a while & read, write, & reflect on the things God has done, is doing, & is going to do in & through my life right now!

A few weeks ago I wrote in my journal; "God I need just enough faith, I need faith to believe the impossible in my life, help my unbelief", then a few days later I wrote out a list of God-sized things in my life that are seemingly impossible for me, but not for my God.

Because I've asked God for huge things in my life in the past {some of which I've been writing & writing & writing & writing some more}, but didn't have 100% faith that He could fulfill them, big or small. That what I was asking for, the God of the universe couldn't make happen with the snap of a finger.

I had a twinge of doubt deep inside.. the doubt has slowly but surely been shedding from my mind & I'm REALLY starting to truly believe & acknowledge the greatness of my God & the miraculous things He can & will do. Getting rid of the twinge of doubt & also changing my list from the selfish things that I think I need to asking for the desires of God's heart to be desires of my heart as well.

Doubt still seeps in sometimes, but the power of God covers it & sends signs to show me He's constantly working in mysterious & miraculous ways, that leave me speechless, thankful, & feeling really spoiled!

Not everything on my list has & maybe never will come to fruition or be answered with a clear yes, no, or not yet, but several of them have & it's just crazy how SO many things in my life {BIG & small} can't be explained except for God. God. God.

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