There is this quote I saw somewhere one time by VanGogh that says, “Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together”. That’s how my God works. I feel like a lot of things in our lives {big or small} do not occur because of impulse, but by a series of small things God does in our lives.
Looking back in my life, seasons I’ve gone through, valleys I’ve been in, people I’ve met, people who were a big part of my life & aren’t anymore, experiences I’ve had, little details that I can pin point, all leading to something great in my life that God has blessed me with.
Just recently I thought I had all my ducks in a row with a couple new job opportunities. My God was for sure making all these pieces fit together perfectly for me, or so I thought! Then the last piece didn’t fit.
It was definitely a let down & made me frustrated, but I’m still looking & waiting for that last piece {patiently}.. I know my God is faithful & will bring the last piece when the time is right… …It’s frustrating, but I’m learning to keep my eyes open for pieces to the puzzle that are shaping my life right now, that are from God {what I like to call “a-God-thing”}. Collecting the pieces & holding onto them, so I can look back & see each piece taking it’s place.
Sometimes the puzzle has a lot of pieces & takes a long time to start seeing the actual picture, but other times there are puzzles that only have a few pieces & we can see the picture quickly!
Our whole life we have been and will always be putting new puzzles together but no matter how long or short the puzzle takes to take form, it’s not hard to see God’s apparent hand in each piece..
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